Creating GUI - 1

Using Existing components and static images

You can make your applet or application's GUI rich using existing components and static images.
This example is "sample-gui-1.ide" in /YOUR_IDE_FOLDER/Samples/.

Deploy above ide file as a server-only application so that no actual network transaction happen.

The Z-order
The Z-order is an order of display. Components that have higher Z-order will overdraw other components. You can change this order by pressing Z-order adjusting buttons in Tool bar.

Rectangle Boxes
It is useful to group components visually into several groups for the user-convenience. You can do this by placing a Text Label component with blank text and setting its Z-order lowest and specifying its background color.

Font, size and color
You can place a static text on the background using Text Label component. The font, size and foreground/background color of Text Label is customizable. It is a good idea use this component to inform the function of components or their usages.

Static Image
In many cases, images makes the user interface of a software more friendly. You can place static images using ImageDisplay component. Set the initial value of this component as 0(zero) and set the quantity of image 1 and set 'Image 0' to '0, yourimage.gif(jpg)'.
