Sample HD13xx

Using Serial Text Field

SerialTextField is a versatile component. This component only can be used with HD13xx (or any other serial-ethernet converter). There are several usages of SerialTextField.

(1) Sending a text
Write destination must be v<address> and set 'Text input or Value input' to Text input.
The text contained in this component will be sent as a text itself (encoded as a byte array of ASCII code).

(2) Sending a value
Write destination must be m<address> and set 'Text input or Value input' to Value input. The value contained in this component will be parsed into a value and the value will be one of byte, short, integer, float or double according to its serial protocol definition. (see the serial protocol definition of this example.)
If you prefix '0x' to a value like '0x2F', the value will be sent as a hexadecimal value.
