Tool Bar provides shortcuts to frequently used functions such as open and save, and provides additional helpful functions.
Starts a new HelloDevice IDE design panel
Loads a
design panel (HelloDevice IDE file, *.ide) which was stored with
"save" or "save as" command.
the currently editing design panel as a file(*.ide) to be restored later by
"open" command.
Makes a copy of the selected components to paste them later.
the selected component. The removed components can be pasted later.
the copied or cut components to the currently editing page.
Removes the selected component. The removed components can not be pasted.
Inserts a new page after the currently editing page.
Deletes the currently editing page.
to the previous page of the currently editing page.
Moves to
the next page of the currently editing page.
Moves to
the page of the selected index.
the selected components' z-order (component's order of display, components of
higher z-order will overdraw another components of low z-order) by 1.
the selected components' z-order by 1.
Makes an applet and HTML page that are ready to be loaded into a HelloDevice web
Makes an application and launching batch file.
Shows serial protocol configuration dialog where user can define and examine
custom serial protocols
Shows or hides grid in design panel.
on or off snap function.
Shows grid property configuration dialog.