Using the Redirector :: The Serial/IP Control Panel
The Licensing command allows you to edit the license key for a seat license.
In the Serial/IP Control Panel:
Click Licensing.
In the Licensing window, edit the text information.
Click Update.
The changes become effective immediately, but the operation of active virtual COM ports will not be affected until they are closed.
These values are optional, and for your convenience. They are not related to the license key in any way.
License keys are issued in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
Upper and lower case is equivalent.
Dashes can be omitted.
If a license key is not accepted when entered:
Verify that the License Key has been typed correctly.
Note that, if the Windows registry has been configured for restricted access, Administrator rights may be required to enter in the license key.
Verify that the license key is for the correct product.
Verify that the license key is for the major version of the software you are installing. For example, a version 3.x license key can not be used to install version 4.x software.
Verify that you aren't using an evaluation or timed license key that has expired.
A "license violation" or "license conflict" notification from a Tactical Software product indicates that it is unable to use its license key because a conflicting license key is in use by another computer. When this occurs, both installations of the software suspend function until the conflict is resolved by entering unique license keys.
The license key can be entered during software installation. If it is omitted, a temporary trial license key is automatically installed.
Closing the Licensing window (with the 'x' box) is the same as clicking Cancel.