Using the Redirector :: The Serial/IP Control Panel
The IP Address of Server and Port Number tells the redirector the location of the server on the network and the TCP port number on which the server will provide the correct device for this virtual COM port.
In the Serial/IP Control Panel:
Select a virtual COM port.
In IP Address, type either:
A network IP address of the form,
A hostname if applicable, e.g., server123 or
In Port Number, type the TCP port number at which the server provides the serial device.
These settings will be used the next time this virtual COM port is opened.
These settings do not have default values.
Make the initial settings when a virtual COM port is first selected with Select Ports or when you run the Configuration Wizard.
IP Address must be changed if:
You are using a numbered IP address ( and the network address of the serial device server changes.
You are using a hostname and it has changed.
Port Number must be changed if:
The serial device server has been reconfigured to provide the correct device at a different TCP port number.
These settings are not used to connect to the server until the Configuration Wizard runs or an application opens the virtual COM port.