Using TTYredirector

Initializing Remote Ports

If you are using a device server that supports the Telnet protocol with RFC 2217 extensions, TTYredirector is able to improve your access to server devices in three ways:

  1. Each time you open a TTYredirector device, the corresponding remote port on the server can be initialized to your settings for baud rate, data length, and the other options described below.
  2. TTYredirector throttles the output data rate (from the client computer to the device server) to match any specified baud rate for the tty.
  3. TTYredirector cooperates with the device server to manage the flow of data between the client computer and the server to prevent overrun conditions.

The potential benefit of using a server that supports RFC 2217 is compatibility with certain applications that require more control of serial ports.

Please note:

  • The default settings for these options is to have no effect on the server. If you do not use these commands, the corresponding settings on the device server are not affected. Effectively, the settings on the server are the default settings.
  • The dev parameter in the commands below follows the rules specified in Managing tty Devices.
  • If an option is specified without a value, the setting is the default value for the option.
  • Short forms of option names appear on a line following the long form.
  • These options can be combined in any order in a single command.
  • For the status values returned by trconfig, see the Technical Notes.

Speed (baud rate), length, parity, stop bits

trconfig -tty dev -speed b
trconfig -y dev   -E b

b — Baud rate: any positive integer, with common values being 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200

trconfig -tty dev -length n
trconfig -y dev   -L n

n — Data length: 5, 6, 7 or 8

trconfig -tty dev -parity p
trconfig -y dev   -P p

p — Parity: even, odd, mark, space, none

trconfig -tty dev -stop s
trconfig -y dev   -S s

s — Stop bits: 1, 1.5, 2

DTR / RTS line status

trconfig -tty dev -dtr d
trconfig -y dev   -D d

d0 or 1, the state to set when the tty is opened

trconfig -tty dev -rts r
trconfig -y dev   -T r

r0 or 1, the state to set when the tty is opened

Flow control

trconfig -tty dev -inflow i
trconfig -y dev   -I i

i — Input flow control: rts, dtr, xonxoff, none

trconfig -tty dev -outflow o
trconfig -y dev   -O o

o — Output flow control: cts, dsr, xonxoff, none