Using the Redirector :: The Serial/IP Control Panel

Port Setting: DSR/DCD/CTS Emulation

The Serial/IP Redirector can emulate the behavior of the DSR, DCD, and CTS signals.  This feature is primarily used when an application depends on changes in one or more of these signals and the server does not support the COM Port Control protocol, preventing relay of these signals from the server.

To set DSR/DCD/CTS Emulation

In the Serial/IP Control Panel:

  1. Select a virtual COM port.

  2. Select a check box for an emulation setting to enable it.

  3. In the drop-down list, select an emulation method.

  4. The setting becomes effective without further action.

The new setting will be used the next time this virtual COM port is opened.


Disabled (default)
Enabled + Always High
Enabled + Always Low
Enabled + Track Connection


Reasons to use DSR/DCD/CTS Emulation:


If the Configuration Wizard detects server support for the COM Port Control protocol, it recommends disabled settings for the signal emulations.

If any signal emulation is enabled, it overrides the effects of the COM Port Control protocol.

  Related Topics

Installing the Redirector: Finish the Port Settings

The Configuration Wizard: How It Works

System Requirements: Server Requirements | Checklist for All Applications