  User Interfaces
  Bluetooth Connection
  Remote Device Configuration
  Terminal Settings
  Bluetooth Management
  Bluetooth Configuration
  AT Commands List
  AT+SETESC,char or nn
 CONNECT 112233445566
 Wait for inquiry and connection from other Bluetooth devices for a given duration
 n=1: Allows Inquiry scan
 n=2: Allows Page scan
 n=3: Allows both of Inquiry scan and Page scan
 to : Time duration in seconds
 For the given to, SENA BTerm is waiting for the inquiry and connection from other Bluetooth devices. If the parameter of to is 0, it will wait forever.
 When connection is made with other Bluetooth device, response will be 'CONNECT' with its BD address. If there is no connection made within this time duration, toast notification about status changes and failure in accepting scans shows up and the operation status becomes to 'STANDBY'.