  User Interfaces
  Bluetooth Connection
  Remote Device Configuration
  Terminal Settings
  Bluetooth Management
 The user can easily write AT Commands to terminal which manage the Bluetooth adapter of the local device in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog. Carriage return and line feed are attached to all the AT commands except '+++' command. To see which AT command is written to terminal, the user needs to enable the 'Local Echo' property in the 'Terminal Settings' dialog.
 The user can connect to and listen to remote device based on Bluetooth status, reboot in software to apply settings, set the properties to default values, change terminal mode on Bluetooth connection, close Bluetooth connection, cancel the Bluetooth task and start remote device configuration here.
 The 'Bluetooth Management' dialog has five tabs like
  • Status
  • Reboot And Reset To Default
  • Connect To
  • Listen To Inquiry And Page Scan
  • Miscellaneous
 The user can open the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog by selecting 'Bluetooth Management' option menu.
  Reboot And Reset
  Connect To Remote Device
  Listen To Remote Device
  Bluetooth Configuration
  AT Commands List