  User Interfaces
  Bluetooth Connection
  Remote Device Configuration
  Terminal Settings
  Bluetooth Management
  Reboot And Reset
 The 'Reboot And Reset' page of the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog opens when the 'reboot and reset to default' tab is selected in the 'Bluetooth Management' dialog.
 The user can reboot the Bluetooth adapter of the local device in software and reset the Bluetooth configuration to the default values.

  • Reboot And Apply (ATZ) Button
  • writes 'ATZ' command with CR+LF to terminal. It results in rebooting the Bluetooth adapter in software and applying the changes of the Bluetooth configuration.

  • Reset To Default (AT&F) Button
  • writes 'AT&F' command with CR+LF to terminal. It resets the Bluetooth configuration to default values.

  Connect To Remote Device
  Listen To Remote Device
  Bluetooth Configuration
  AT Commands List